Sinana Female Genital Mutilation Elimination Project (FGMEP), Ethiopia
Female Genital Mutilations (FGM), early marriage, and prejudice are harmful traditional practices (HTPs) which are widely practices in Bale zone of Oromia Region. Among these harmful traditional practices, FGM is the chronic problem in the area. Taking in to account this complication, the EECMY/DASSC Wabe Batu Synod Branch office has launched a pilot project funded by NLM, known as Sinana Female Genital Mutilation elimination project. This non-governmental organization works in Bale zone, in Sinana district, in two PAs namely in Hisu and Obora on harmful traditional practice such as (FGM) which are practiced widely in the area.Purpose/objective:The evaluation is mainly intended to assess the performance against the agreed plan and other procedural and technical issues of the project and provide the out-come of the evaluation to the relevant government bodies and to the implementing agency Ethiopia Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus/DASSC and Norwegian Lutheran Mission to fill their information gap.