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Forsiden av dokumentet Technology survey for renewable energy - Integrated to bridge constructions


Technology survey for renewable energy - Integrated to bridge constructions Wind energy

E39 is a road located along the west coast of Norway with a number of fjords with ferry crossings along its entire length from Kristiansand in the south to Trondheim in the north. The fjords crossings range from 1.5 km to 25 km in length and have depths down to 1300 m. Proposed “Ferry Free” solutions for the fjord crossings consist of suspension bridges, floating bridges and submerged floating tunnels. This feasibility study reports how the bridge structures can be utilized for wind energy generation. The wind energy production potential for the eight fjords shows high variation between the different fjord crossings. There are fjords that have very good wind resources and there are fjords with very low wind energy potential.



Statens vegvesen


Lars Åkesson




Klima og miljø