Mid-Term Evaluation of Hintalo Wajirat Livelihood Development Project
The three years Livelihood Development Project is being implemented by Relief Society of Tigray (REST) since 2011 to support poor and vulnerable people of two watersheds in Hintalo Wajerat Woreda found in South East Administrative zone of Tigray Region. The watersheds are Gerebhinche and Belesat watersheds. The project Woreda is one of the 31 chronically food insecure and vulnerable Woredas of the Region. The Woreda has a total population of 163,923 out of which 50.5% are females. More than 92% of the project Woreda reside in Rural Tabias while the remaining in urban and semi-urban areas. The total population of the two Tabias is 16,234 out of which 8037 are females.