Technology survey for renewable energy - Integrated to bridge constructions Solar energy
This report is the result of a potential study for solar energy utilization in the E39 Ferjefri project carried out by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden on behalf of Statens vegvesen in Norway. The study is intends to give a basis for the work with solar energy integration in the project. The results can thus contribute to the definition of planning targets in a medium and long term perspective and to an increased awareness about the possibilities that are in solar energy utilization. The study distinguishes between two forms of solar energy, namely conversion of solar irradiance into electricity or into heat. For integration into bridge constructions, only electricity production by means of PV technologies has been quantitatively assessed. Solar thermal technologies for heat production has only been considered qualitatively in terms of building mounted collectors serving parts of the heating- and hot water needs of the buildings and in snow melting systems using the roads as solar collectors.
Statens vegvesen
Peter Kovacs og Peter Wahlgren
Klima og miljø