Terminal/Midterm Evaluation Report (RMMP –Gamo Gofa and RMMP –Segen Zone terminal, RMMP-South omo end term, RMMP-Bale midterm evaluations)
NLM and its back donor supported Reducing Maternal Mortality of the four Projects (in Gamo-Gofa Zone, Segen Area Peoples’ Zone and South Omo Zone) have been operational for the last almost 5 years, since 2012; RMMP-Bale Zone intervention started in 2013 and is in 4th year intervention. The RMMP-Bale midterm evaluation will focus on the efficiency, effectiveness and results achieved for the last three years (2013-2015) including encountered challenges in project implementation. The project RMMPs was intended to reduce maternal mortality at target project areas focusing on three major components; human capacity building, provision of medical equipment and joint supervisory activities. The activities performed by the project in all the RMMPs includes training of health professional in hospitals; Health Officers, assistant anesthesia nurse, scrub nurses and midwives, on Comprehensive Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care (CEmONC) management in health centers. The general objective of the assignment is to conduct RMMP –Gamo Gofa and RMMP –Segen Zone terminal, RMMP-south omo end term RMMP-Bale mid-term evaluations and to determine the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact as well as sustainability of the projects and to conduct baseline survey.