Interim evaluation CEDC partner programme of Save the Children Norway in Cambodia
Four assessments were carried out by external resource persons in 2005: • Thematic evaluation of SCN Cambodia program responding to violence against and sexual abuse of children (CCPCR and VCAO), by Edelwiss Silan; • Impact assessment cooperation project between SCN-CO and OEB (now OEC), by Ngy San; • Impact assessment cooperation project between SCN-CO and CCASVA, by Ngy San; • NGO partnership assessment report by, Taran Abrahamsen. The four recommendations gave a number of recommendations on how SCN-CO's partners and SCN could improve the joint efforts in order to save more children. This interim (mid-term) was carried out in order to assess how SCN-CO and partners have managed to follow up and implement and improve in line with recommendations made in the above assessments.