RNSARBOOK (2022), Nordic Handbook for Search and Rescue in a Maritime Radiological / Nuclear Environment
Maritime operations in waters surrounding the Nordic countries include traffic of nu-clear propelled vessels and vessels transporting radioactive materials. These opera-tions present a risk of encountering emergency situations at sea where radiological or nuclear (RN) concerns will be an inherent part of conducting successful Search and Rescue (SAR) operations in order to save lives and provide assistance to persons in distress. The aim of the Nordic handbook for search and rescue in a maritime radiologi-cal/nuclear emergency (RNSARBOOK) is to provide harmonized guidelines and rec-ommendations for the handling of maritime SAR operations involving radiologi-cal/nuclear material by Nordic SAR and RN authorities. The handbook is not intended to be used during an ongoing SAR-operation when situational stress is high, but rather to be used for harmonized contingency planning and educational purposes by both SAR and RN organizations. The primary target audiences are SAR and RN authorities and planners at the opera-tional level. The handbook will provide guidance to SAR authorities with a responsi-bility to coordinate maritime SAR, and RN authorities that have a mandate in provid-ing liaison and expert advice to the SAR authorities, as well as the possible involve-ment of specialized radiation measurement teams. The guidelines and procedures explain RN emergencies and safety issues in general and clarifies roles, responsibili-ties, chain of command and coordination, so both RN and SAR authorities can work efficiently and have an understanding of how the operations are conducted and what is needed in order to respond to these kinds of incidents.