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Forsiden av dokumentet Public Financial Management Performance Report - Norway


Public Financial Management Performance Report - Norway

The Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Performance Measurement Framework was launched in 2005 and has been applied so far in over 80 developing countries. Norway has supported the development of this framework to assess the performance of a country's public financial management system. This assessment of the Norwegian public financial management is the first time the framework has been applied in a high income OECD country. The aim of the assessment was to get further experience with the framework by using it in another country context. A special section on management of Norwegian petroleum revenue is included in the report.Norway is one of the richest countries in the world with the standard of governance being perceived as very high. This is confirmed in the assessment as 22 of the indicators were rated at A or B level (in a scale from A to D). However there were exceptions from this general standard as eight indicators or indicator dimensions were rated at C or D level. Areas obtaining low ratings include procurement practices, legislative scrutiny of external audit reports and follow-up to the external audit report findings, affecting three indicator ratings. On these areas low score to some extent reflects a need for improvement also anticipated by the Norwegian government.





