Mid-term evaluation of Naturvernforbundet’s Oilwatch Africa programme
In Naturvernforbundet’s Oilwatch Africa programme Nigeria is the main country, where Naturvernforbundet cooperates with Environmental Rights Action (ERA). A regional network called Oilwatch Africa (OWA) is also part of the programme with member organizations in more than 10 African countries. ERA runs the secretariat and is the driving force, while the member organizations in Ghana, Uganda and South Africa are other main actors in the network. The programme objective is that an alliance of environmental organizations and local communities achieves changes that give better protection of the environment and livelihoods from fossil fuels activities.The organizations collaborate with local communities to influence the creation and enactment of legal and policy frameworks that protect the environment and peoples’ livelihood. Information is continuously disseminated on livelihood assaults and impacts of petroleum activities. Alliances between affected communities are built in each country and between countries. The campaign “Leave the oil in the soil” is a prominent part of the programme. Purpose:To be able to make improvements within the programme for the rest of the five-years’ period of 2012-2016.