Gender Based Violence – A situation in Chadiza, Chibombo, Mansa and Mazabuka
With support from Plan Norway, NORAD is funding Plan Zambia's project on Gender Equality and Protection. The project is located within Plan Zambia's Country Program on Children and Community Empowerment. The Goal of the project is to empower girls and women for equal opportunity and participation in all sectors of development including education, health and employment. It also aims at identifying and addressing the structural causes of poverty and deprivation which are also rooted in inequality amongst women and men, boys and girls, drawing on the support of communities and other stakeholders like law enforcement organs i.e. victim support unit of the Zambia Police Force. Gender based violence affects effective participation of concerned victims in development process. The Gender Based Violence situation assessment was meant to establish the prevalence, causes and consequences of gender based violence, particularly against the vulnerable like girls and women, in Plan Zambia areas of operation i.e. Chadiza, Chibombo, Mansa and Mazabuka.