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Forsiden av dokumentet Gender review of Save the Children programmes within child rights governance, child protection and health and nutrition


Gender review of Save the Children programmes within child rights governance, child protection and health and nutrition

Gender is central to Save the Children’s mission and vision - it is inextricably linked to a child rights approach and essential for high quality programming. In November 2017 SCN commissioned a gender analysis of its Child Rights Governance (CRG), Child Protection and Health and Nutrition programmes in order to expand the baseline from a previous analysis of the Education Programmes in 2016. The analysis uses Gender Equality Marker (GEM) to help determine whether gender equality considerations have been meaningfully integrated in project proposals. Of the 30 proposals, seventeen were gender unaware (56%), nine had some elements of gender (30%), two were gender sensitive (7%), and two were gender transformative (7%). In terms of the sub-sections (or categories) where gender was better integrated: 26% of the proposals included gender equality considerations in the needs assessment, 24% in the project activities, 26% in outcomes, 14% in technical and financial resources and 10% included some potentially gender transformative approaches. The study concludes that the results are in line with the 2016 study which concluded that most of SC Education proposals do not meet the minimum SC standard of being gender sensitive (86% in this exercise compared to 81% in the previous one), and only incorporate gender elements to a certain extent. Allowing for a certain degree of subjectivity in the scoring since the two exercises were done by different consultants, it is safe to confirm that both exercises together can form one single baseline for all proposals approved between 2015 and 2017.





