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Forsiden av dokumentet GLOBVAC - Research and Capacity Building for Global Health


GLOBVAC - Research and Capacity Building for Global Health Midterm External Review

This is a report of the midterm evaluation of the Programme for Global Health and Vaccination Research (GLOBVAC), which was launched in 2006 and will extend to 2011. Because the GLOBVAC programme is a continuation and expansion of the Research Council's previous Programme for Global Health Research (GLOBHELS), some of the projects included under the current programme were initiated under the earlier one. The overall objective of the GLOBVAC programme is to strengthen and expand research that can contribute to sustainable improvements in health in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). The secondary objectives are: 1) to develop knowledge and tools to combat the major disease burden in these countries; ii) to develop and strengthen sustainable Norwegian public and private research groups and institutions; iii) to develop and strengthen international collaboration; and iv) to develop and strengthen partnerships with research groups and institutions in LMIC to ensure capacity building. This includes both vaccination for diseases that affect these countries and health research. The rationale for the midterm evaluation as described in the Terms of Reference (Appendix 1) is to assess whether the programme's strategy and approach should be modified during the remaining two years of the programme period and to make recommendations for the potential continuation of the programme in 2012 and beyond.



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