Evaluation of Norwegian support to capacity development
Presentasjon av evalueringsrapporten (presentation in English will follow) Evalueringen tar for seg norsk støtte til institusjonsutvikling (kapasitetsutvikling) i offentlig sektor i samarbeidsland. Målet med evalueringen var å vurdere om støtte til institusjonsutvikling er effektiv pengebruk, samt å identifisere erfaringer som kan være til nytte i framtidig arbeid. Den er basert på case-studier av 19 tiltak i ni land. 11 tiltak var gjenstand for dybdestudier i de tre landene Malawi, Mosambik og Vietnam, og de øvrige ble undersøkt ved hjelp av dokumentgjennomganger og intervjuer. Evalueringen var avgrenset til stat-til-stat-bistand med mål om å styrke kapasiteten i offentlig sektor, men resultatene er relevant også for tilsvarende bistand via multilaterale organisasjoner eller i sivil sektor. Rapporten ser spesielt på støtte i form av institusjonssamarbeid mellom institusjoner med lignende virksomhet i samarbeidslandet og i Norge (twinning-samarbeid). Evalueringen ble gjennomført av det britiske fagmiljøet Itad på oppdrag fra evalueringsavdelingen i Norad. Presentation of the evaluation report The report presents the results of an evaluation of Norwegian support to capacity development in public sector, aiming at assessing results of support to capacity development and to what degree it represents value for money; and generative learning to enable policy, strategy and decision makers to design good strategies for support to capacity development The evaluation was based on 19 case studies in nine countries. 11 cases were subject to in-depth studies in the three countries Malawi, Mozambique and Vietnam, while the rest were carried out as document reviews supplemented by interviews. The evaluation is limited to bilateral support aiming at improved capacity in public sector, but the results are also relevant for comparable interventions via multilateral organisations or in civil society. In many cases, Norwegian support has been channeled via twinning between comparable institutions in Norway and in partner countries, a modality that is given particular emphasis in the evaluation. The evaluation was conducted by Itad ltd (UK), commissioned by the Evaluation Department in Norad. Case studies and countries The evaluation was based on case studies representing the following countries and sectors: Medical education, Malawi Nurse training, Malawi Agricultural research and education, Malawi National statistics, Malawi Oil and gas sector, Mozambique Electricity sector, Mozambique Petroleum sector, Vietnam Geo hazard management, Vietnam Aquaculture research, Vietnam Fisheries university, Vietnam Mercury pollution, China Environmental management in cement production, China National statistics, Moldova Rule of law, Moldova Integrated pest management, Nepal Children’s rights, Nicaragua Electricity sector, Tanzania University institutional development, Uganda Sometimes several institutions may have been included in one case study.