A study of stakeholders’ perception of Médecins Sans Frontières support to Thyolo district in Malawi External Evaluation
MSF Belgium has been working in Thyolo since 1997 supporting the Ministry ofHealth (MoH) in the provision of STI and HIV-TB care & treatment in the district. Universal access to ART was attained in 2007 demonstrating that it is possible to scale up quality ART services in resource poor settings. As the capacity of the national program has grown and strengthened, the nature of the support provided by MSF in the district has reduced and changed. Since 2008 HIV services have been increasingly integrated into general health care and thus MSF support into the MoH system.This scaling down and integration of MSF support continues, with the aim being that the MoH increasingly assumes responsibility for HIV services in the district. A handover strategy is currently being planned together with the MoH toensure that this transfer of responsibility occurs in a transparent, responsible and sustainable way. This evaluation was commissioned as part of this process - the aim being to gain a better understanding of partner and stakeholder perceptions of MSF support in Thyolo and elicit recommendations to guide the handover process.