148 sider
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Evaluation of Norway’s Bilateral Agricultural Support to Food Security
The paths to food security are many. Some of them are linked to agriculture. This evaluation was commissioned to find out to what extent Norwegian bilateral assistance to agriculture has contributed to food security. We wanted to assess this regardless of whether food security figured as a prominent goal of a given agricultural program or not. The evaluators were asked to concentrate on the big money – the largest recipient organisations, institutions and programs of Norwegian support. As a result, we think the evaluation is more representative of the overall agricultural support than the sheer number of projects or programs directly studied – 25 – indicates. Of the report’s 11 annexes, only one – the terms of reference of the evaluation - is included in the printed report. Annexes 2 to 11 contain extensive documentation of methods, findings and how the evaluation was carried out. The evaluation was commissioned and managed by the Evaluation Department of Norad and carried out by the consultancy company Particip GmbH. The company is responsible for the content of the report, including the findings, conclusions and recommendations. Oslo, April 2013 Hans Peter MelbyActing Head, Evaluation Department