Child Friendly Budgeting in Local Authorities - Baseline Study Report
NANGO with the support of Save the Children initiated this baseline study to gauge how child friendly are the budgets in the following local authorities, Municipality of Gwanda, City of Kadoma, City of Mutare, Mvurwi Town and Marondera Municipality. The overall objective of the study was to establish the child friendly budget initiatives and the progress in their implementation in the five local authorities. The baseline study investigated the trends, transparency and expenditure in child related programmes and projects in these five local authorities. The specific objectives of the Baseline Study was to: 1. Establish budget trends with respect to the local authority’s budget allocation to education, health and social services for children in the last four years. 2. Establish budget trends with respect to budget expenditure on education, health and social services for children in the last four years. 3. Establish the budget line items earmarked for children in the local budget. 4. Establish clarity on planning and reporting for children in local government budget documents. 5. Establish accessibility of budget documents to children and local residents. 6. Establish level of participation of children in the local budgeting processes.