A systematic mapping of the effects of ICT on learning outcomes
Since the first use of computers in classrooms in the 1960’s there has been significant interest from educational stakeholders in determining answers to some fundamental questions about how Information and Communications Technology (ICT) impacts educational outcomes. Specifically: • Does ICT provide a positive influence on academic performance and if it does are there subjects or disciplines that are more strongly influenced or less strongly influenced than others? • Does ICT improve the effectiveness of the learning process and if it does what aspects of ICT make the strongest improvements on learning? This systematic mapping of research in the field shows that so far, these questions cannot be answered as clearly and consistently as policy makers and practitioners might hope. The systematic mapping provides a summary of rigorous empirical studies in the fields of educational ICT to determine the causal effect of the use of ICTs on students’ learning outcomes.
Norges forskningsråd
Konrad Morgan, Maddy Morgan, Lotta Johansson og Erik Ruud