Midterm Evaluation of Sustainable Development Planning Project, Nepal
Namsaling Community Development Centre- a non-governmental organization with the funding support of the Development Fund of Norway (DF) has been implementing a five year project (2012-2016), “Sustainable Development Planning Project” in different parts of Nepal. This project is a continuation of a multi-phase project since 1992. The project implements the Local Self-governance Act of 1999. The main aim is to achieve a participatory and transparent process in Village Development Committees (VDC) periodic planning and to further ensure that the projects in the plan actually are funded and carried out. The project is process oriented, system focused and promotion of good governance rather than service delivery project. This mid-term evaluation took place in the frame of the objectives of the NCDC project in partnership with DF, Norway. The mid-term evaluation focused mainly on the performance from 2012-2014 of the Sustainable Development Planning (SDP) process, and its implementation aspects undertaken by VDCs in their constituencies.