Review and Synthesis of Lessons Learned from Institutional Cooperation and Capacity Building in the Environmental Sector in Norwegian Development Cooperation
The "Norwegian Action Plan for Environment in Development Cooperation" gives priority to efforts aimed at increasing partner countries' capacity to view environmental concerns in a long-term perspective and fulfil their international obligations. A key tool is to support institutional cooperation as an important element in competence building. The implementation of the action plan will require increased environmental competence in all parts of the development cooperation. Over the years Norway has supported a number of capacity building efforts in developing countries and institutional cooperation between Norwegian institutions and similar institutions in partner countries has been a key element in increasing environmental competence. Several of these institutional cooperation projects and programs have been subject to reviews and evaluations, however, the lessons learned have not been compiled and systematized. As a basis for strengthening the analytical foundation for future institutional cooperation Norad has initiated a study of lessons learned. The main purpose of the study was to review and compile lessons learned from Norwegian-supported projects/programmes with significant components of capacity building and/or institutional cooperation within the environmental sector. The report thus focuses on "historic events" as described in documents and to some degree on interviews with key institutional staff. The report will be used as basis for the further work in Norad with concretising and operationalising the Action Plan for Environmental Cooperation.The report in hand covers the Final Report of the assignment: "Review and Synthesis of Lessons Learned from Institutional Cooperation and Capacity Building in the Environmental Sector in Norwegian Development Cooperation".