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Forsiden av dokumentet Action Plan: Euro-African migration conference in Rabat



Action Plan: Euro-African migration conference in Rabat

The Euro-African conference must result in the adoption of concrete measures, to be executed in the short and medium term, bearing in mind that this process is part of a long term approach. Only a pragmatic and ambitious action plan, commensurate to the scope reached by the migration phenomenon, can bring about the appropriate response. It is important to undertake swift and concrete actions in order to respond to this urgent situation and to give greater visibility and credibility to the new dynamic born from the organization of this Conference. To be efficient, these measures need to be based on the principles of ownership and adherence as well as on the partnership forged between the countries and partners gathered by this conference. These measures should namely serve to guide the relations between these countries in matters concerning migration and development, while remaining respectful of their specificities. By its horizontal and operational approach, as well as its partnership dimension, the dialogue on Article 13 of the Cotonou Agreement constitutes an indispensable reference.






