Evaluation of NCA WASH program in Iraq 2005 – 2011
Iraq has been the largest WASH and rehabilitation & construction programs funded by NCA with a total budget of NOK 120 mill invested over the past 7 years. The WASH program started with rehabilitation of water and sanitation system including trucking services from Kuwait right after the war in 2003, and continued the work with installation and rehabilitation of purification units (PU) and compact units (PU/CU). Over the last years several desalination reverse osmosis (RO) units are also installed, as most of the southern Iraq is dependent on water from RO units for safe drinking water, as the water salinity is too high for drinking. NCA has also conducted extensive rehabilitation programs for water pipelines not covered in this assessment. A change in program strategy led to a focus to supply of WASH services to public schools with hygiene promotion and sanitation after 2008. The WASH activities needed to be assessed as NCA is now phasing out these activities in Iraq. The period of the assessment program span from water units installed in 2005 and up to date with associated programs. The assessment selected 20 of totally 34 installations in schools, hospitals and in rural villages for Bashra and Babil regions to form a representative picture of the total WASH program performed by NCA in Iraq. The assessment focused on the below listed issues: Technical, sustainability, gender issues.