10 years of cooperation with SAIH Norway - Strengthening the teachers and academic qualities at the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua
The Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua is culturally, politically and geographically parted from the pacific Coast in the country. On a general, the national has ignored the rights and attention for the diverse coastal population consisting of indigenous, ethnic minorities and mestizos. Education has either been ignored or been used as a tool for further colonization, and there has been little governmental effort done to give first language education with an intercultural focus. The autonomous law of 1987 entitles the coastal, among other rights, people their right to define their own education. As part of this regional project, the Autonomous University at the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua since was first initiated in 1995. The University was formed by the Atlantic Coast's men and women themselves with the purpose to supply relevant higher education to indigenous peoples and ethnic minorities in the region. The education was to be based on local needs. SAIH has been cooperating with URACCAN since the beginning with teacher training program, bilingual intercultural education (EIB), strengthening of the Rama and Ulwa peoples culture, implementation of gender mainstreaming at the university, investigation, student democracy, journalist education, and lately also institutional strengthening of the university. The purpose of the evaluation is to identify the professional and academic impact on the Atlantic Coast in the period 1995-2005 as result of the cooperation between URACCAN and SAIH.