Work programme 2011-2014 (DEMOSREG) Democracy and Governance in a Regional Context
Contemporary society is undergoing extensive changes in working life, trade and industry, and the social framework. Roles and responsibilities are shifting between public levels of decision-making and sectors, and internationalisation is increasing in most areas. Phase II of the Research Programme on Democracy and Governance in Regional Context (DEMOSREG) seeks to generate knowledge about how processes of change in working life, trade and industry and society at large are manifested at the local and regional level, and about the challenges and conditions these processes entail for democracy, governance and planning for sustainable development. The programme also seeks to generate new empirical insight and promote new theoretical and methodological approaches. Importance is attached to research that is relevant for the formulation of policies related to local and regional development. This document starts off with a discussion of the programme’s perspectives and challenges. This is followed by an outline of the programme’s objectives, scientific priorities and content. Finally, a description of the programme’s organisation, strategic instruments and means of implementation is provided.
Norges forskningsråd