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Forsiden av dokumentet Review of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) Projects in Eritrea 5-14 March 2007


Review of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) Projects in Eritrea 5-14 March 2007

This is not a fully fledged evaluation, but more a review as the NCA project had not yet started at the time of the review, and the project proposal was to be revised, the main focus of the review was on the UNFPA/NUEW project. Norway has since the beginning of the 1990's supported Norwegian Church Aid's work to combat FGM/C in Eritrea. As the evaluation report of NCA's pilot project on FGM/C , undertaken in 2005, was positive, it was decided to continue the Norwegian support in order that the project could be replicated in other areas. An agreement on NOK 7 mill for 5 years was signed in April 2005 for the project: "NCA-Combating FGM/C in Northern Red Sea Region". Due to delays in obtaining an operational permit, however, the project has not yet started. (As of September 2008, the project is said to be in the pipe-line for approval at the MOH). The abolishment for FGM/C being given high priority both by the Government of Eritrea and by the Norwegian Government, the Norwegian Embassy in Asmara indicated willingness for a broader support for this purpose. Thus, an agreement on NOK 3,6 million for 4 years was signed with UNFPA in August 2005, for the support of the "Anti-FGM/C Campaign" project, implemented by the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) in Zoba Debub (region).





