The Ceynor Development Project, Sri Lanka
Report of the mission to evaluate the activities in Sri Lanka of Ceynor Development Foundation Ltd (Sri Lanka) and Norges Godtemplar Ungdomsforbund (Norway). The Mission's mandate was to review the activities and achievements of the CEY-NOR Development Foundation (CNDF) and to make an assessment of these in relation to its objectives, and the social and economic factors including government policies influencing programme implementation. The purpose was to draw conclusions to provide a basis for undertaking a consolidation programme and to formulate recommendations for future development. The original aim of the programme was the economic development and social upliftment of economically depressed or socially oppressed groups among coastal communities with a view to their becoming economically independent, socially - accepted and self reliant. This was to be brought about through the provision of employment, improvement of nutritional standards, and improved conditions of health, hygiene, housing, education and culture. Employment generating activities undertaken in pursuance of these aims included boat building, fishing, processing, manufacture of fishing gear and ice. Social development activities included the provision of improved housing and water supply, primary and adult education, mother and child care, and the development of handicrafts.