Norad privat sector grant scheme targeting renewable energy: a results assessment : Desentralisert evaluering/Norad Collected Reviews 4/21
Norad has supported the development of renewable energy projects in ODA-eligible countries for several decades. Since 2017, the support has been largely channelled through the grant scheme Enterprise Development for Jobs. Among other sectors of focus, this scheme targets renewable energy projects. This assignment will be an input to Norad’s reporting on results of energy-related development assistance. The main purpose is to identify and assess results of Norad’s private sector support scheme and is limited to energy projects only. Between 2010 and 2020, Norad entered into agreements with 38 companies for 78 projects through 102 grant applications. The grant scheme is a risk reducing measure for companies and provides up to 50% of project costs. Norad’s granted support is about 382.7 MNOK, with corresponding disbursements of NOK 188.3 MNOK. Disbursements are made against actual expenditure. Norad supports mainly early phase project development, prior to financial close and investment decisions, and does not support the implementation of the renewable energy project itself. Norad can also support training, and underlying investments (transmission and distribution etc) as well as subsides for risk premiums to facilitate project development, but historically the main support has been for (pre-) feasibility studies, market scoping, and project development work.