Mid term evaluation of the 5-year strategic plan for the period 2019-2023 Stromme Foundation sfea : desentralisert evaluering/Norad Collected Reviews 14-22
This report presents the findings of the Midterm evaluation of Strømme Foundation’s five-year Strategic Plan (SP) under Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) for the period 2019-2023, as set out by Adroit Consult International following successful finalization of Key Informant Interviews, Focus Group Discussions, and secondary data review in the projects sites where Strømme Foundation East Africa (SFEA) partners and programmes are implementing in Uganda, Tanzania and South Sudan. The consultant employed a descriptive cross-sectional design using a highly participatory and credible mixed methods approach of data collection to allow for wide consultation with partners and stakeholders. The evaluation was mainly conducted using qualitative methods of data collection. Quantitative data was mainly obtained from the review of reports provided by SFEA. A total of 69 Stakeholders were reached in using Key informant Interviews in Uganda, South Sudan, and Tanzania, and 42 Focus Group Discussions conducted reached 420 project beneficiaries. The evaluation was conducted using a multi-stage approach. The Inception phase consisted of the finalization of the evaluation methodology, approaches, and work plan. A detailed Inception report was prepared and approved by SFEA before data collection. This was followed by a data collection phase that took place in the field locations in Uganda, South Sudan, and Tanzania. The data was analysed, and this informed the preparation of this report. The consultants ensured the highest level of ethical considerations. Data collection was carried out per the protection and confidentiality policies. The team also sought and confirmed consent from respondents and observed confidentiality with information, and data sharing. This report presents the findings of the data collection exercise, based on the OECD/DAC Criteria of evaluation of development programmes.