Skew wind sensitivity study Concept development, floating bridge E39 Bjørnafjorden
During the project the Client raised some concern regard the effect of skew wind coefficients on the bridge response based on an article1. To investigate the subject further, a small modification to the Entail in-house wind code was implemented in order to consider the skew wind effects in the buffeting wind load calculation. In order to consider the skew wind effects on a slender structure, the Entail in-house wind code has been modified to accept 2D aerodynamic coefficients dependant on skew angle and angle of attack. Based on the modified wind code, a benchmarking on Bjørnafjorden K12 concept has been performed. A preliminary study of the benchmark results show that the skew wind effects may be important for some responses, depending on the excited modes. Further investigations are needed in order to fully understand the effect and importance on a general basis, both in terms of the input (aerodynamic coefficients) and the bridge response.
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Transport og kommunikasjon