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Forsiden av dokumentet State of forest genetic resources in Norway 2020 : to the FAO 2nd report on state of the world's forest genetic resources


State of forest genetic resources in Norway 2020 : to the FAO 2nd report on state of the world's forest genetic resources to the FAO 2nd report on state of the world's forest genetic resources

State of forest genetic resources in Norway 2020” er det norske bidraget til den neste FAOrapporten «State of the World´s Forest Genetic Resources» (forventet 2023). Den norske rapporten ble levert til FAO i juni 2020 og presenterer status for bevaring, bærekraftig bruk og utvikling av skogtregenetiske ressurser i Norge, og gir utfyllende informasjon til «2nd Country Progress Report for Norway» (vedlegg I). “State of forest genetic resources in Norway 2020” is the Norwegian delivery to the next FAO report on “State of the World´s Forest Genetic Resources” (expected 2023). The Norwegian report was delivered to the FAO in June 2020 and presents the current status of conservation, sustainable use and development of forest genetic resources in Norway, complementing the “2nd Country Progress Report for Norway” (Annex I).



NIBIO - Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi


Kjersti Bakkebø Fjellstad og Tore Skrøppa


norsk (bokmål)