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Forsiden av dokumentet Kartlegging av frittlevende nematoder i potet, grønnsaker, jordbær og korn


Kartlegging av frittlevende nematoder i potet, grønnsaker, jordbær og korn

Free-living plant-parasitic nematodes (free-living PPN) appear to be an increasing problem in Norwegian agriculture and their efficient management is required. Methods of efficient nematode management have been sought for personnel involved in farmer’s advisory and among farmers. In order to clarify the nematode situation in different agricultural crops a pilot project for surveying free-living PPN was conducted during the growing seasons 2016 and 2017. The Norwegian Agricultural Extension Service were involved in selecting major crops and selected representative areas for sampling. Complementary to the survey was that the samples should be collected form crops showing symptoms of nematode damage. Nematode damage occurs where large populations of nematoder are present in fields and shows as patches of poor plant growth. In total, 100 samples (soil and plant roots) were collected from 14 counties and 46 municipalities. The crops samples were potato (n=12), vegetables (n=37), strawberry (n=14) and cereals (n=37). The samples were brought to the nematode laboratory of NIBIO, and nematodes were extracted by the Seinhorst elutriator (Seinhorst 1988) and mounted on microscope slides for observation. Many species of free-living PPN were detected in association with damage across a number of crops including potato, vegetables, strawberry and cereals. Certain nematode groups (stunt-, spiral-, root lesion-, pin nematodes) were present in all crops, while Longidorids and Trichodorids were present only in potato, vegetables and strawberry. The sheath nematode Hemicycliophora occurred only in carrot.





NIBIO - Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi


Ricardo Holgado, Christer Magnusson og Irene Rasmussen


norsk (bokmål)