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Forsiden av dokumentet Klimatiltak i jordbruk og matsektoren : kostnadsanalyse av fem tiltak


Klimatiltak i jordbruk og matsektoren : kostnadsanalyse av fem tiltak

The research team has investigated five measures aiming to reduce climate gas emissions from Norwegian agriculture: 1. Biogas from manure, 2. Replacing cattle meat with plant based products and fish, 3. Replacing cattle meat with pork, 4. Reducing food waste, 5. Ban on cultivation of peatland. The study concludes that most measures may be implemented at zero or even negative costs. Cutting down on cattle meat consumption may have substantial and positive health effects. The exception is biogas production using dung where indications show average costs of approximately USD 200 per ton Climate Gas Emission. Indicated cost levels are based on optimal ways of implementation. Bad implementation may hurt both consumer welfare and efficiency of resource allocation. The authors thus leave some, but limited reason to expect that cutting substantial emissions from farming will be socially costless





NIBIO - Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi


Ivar Pettersen


norsk (bokmål)