Performance Review of Beza Youth Health and Counselling centre against relevant national strategic frameworks (2004-2009)
Considering reproductive health/RH as one of the major health and social issues, particularly of that of the youth and adolescents, the Government of Ethiopia has issued two mutually reinforcing reproductive health/RH strategies [i.e. the National RH Strategy (2006-2015) and the Adolescent and Youth RH Strategy (2007-2015)], which aim at attaining the development goals set at international and national levels. In addition to these strategies, Ethiopia has the experience of developing periodic strategic frameworks in response to the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, in which the youth and adolescents are classified among the most vulnerable. The second SPM (2004-2008 and the interim for 2009-2010), ‘geared towards enhancing and strengthening the ongoing multi-sectoral prevention and control activities’, is also one of the national strategies that guide the efforts of youth focused organizations. One of the purposes of this six years (2004-2009) performance review of BYHCC is, thus, to check whether its implementation in the review period has been guided by these national policies and strategies and, if it has been so, to determine the extent to which it adhered to national priorities and operated within the given frameworks. The other reasons include taking the lessons learnt for organizational improvement and to use the findings as potential inputs for developing future strategic plan document of the organization.