Lessons from partnership with a parent advocacy group from Jamaica Evaluation of the Development Cooperation between the National Parent Advocacy Group (NPAG) of Jamaica and Norsk Forbund for Utviklingshemmede (NFU)
Evaluation done by Norwegian Association of Disabled. The evaluation was commission as the final evaluation report, as the partnership between NFU and NPAG ended in 2005. Due to the efforts of the NPAG, children were integrated into regular schools in several parishes. Parent groups were strengthened and parents' perception of disability changed from the belief that they had been punished or cursed to improvement of their self esteem and most importantly the relationship with their disabled children. Parent groups created the environment in which they could support and encourage each other. More parents began to bring their children out into the community as they became more informed and confident to speak out for the rights of their children and persons with developmental disabilities. Local authorities also became more aware of the needs of the disabled population and have started to pay closer attention to the existing legislation that caters to those needs. NFU conducted workshops, based in the main around the development of NPAG. These were organized to empower members of the NPAG to properly represent its membership at all levels of society and assist NPAG with the clarification of roles and responsibilities, development of by-laws for NPAG and the development of a set of principles and plans based on those principles.