One Week in Moshi the whole year in the community evaluation report
KRIK and CHRISC works to enhance potential of young people in the East Africa region through sports. CHRISC became registered as organizations in Tanzania and Uganda in 2003, followed by Kenya in 2004. KRIK has been a main partner since this. An ever increasing %-age of the population in the region are people below 30 years of age. This group face numerous obstacles; amongst them social, political and cultural. Many suffer from abuse and economical exploitation. Sub-Saharan Africa is according to UNAIDS-report, the world's hardest-hit region on HIV/AIDS In 2003, East Africa Cup (EAC) was started by CHRISC, KRIK and NPA (Norwegian People's Aid). The idea was to give sporting opportunities and build bridges between youths from different countries. EAC moved to Moshi and continued with a gradually stronger emphasis on education, awareness and training. The event includes a broad range of educational courses and seminars for participants, and seminars for leaders/volunteers as well. The primary objective was to evaluate the project, highlight progress achieved, documenting best practice, highlighting areas of weaknesses and threats, and developing recommendations.