UNDP Review of NORAD Funding and NPA Technical Assistance to UXO LAO, 1997-2003
The purpose of this review was to assess the results of the total NORAD contribution made between 1997 and 2003 to the UNDP UXO LAO Trust fund, including the in-kind contribution provided through Norwegian Peoples Aid (NPA) technical advisory programme in Sekong and Attapeu. The review focused on the two provinces of Sekong and Attapeu, and the ability of UXO LAO to run the programme there independent of permanent external (international) advisors, as well as the overall efficiency of the activities carried out in these two provinces. The scope of the assessment covered all NPA technical assistance and capacity building support to UXO LAO for the period extending from 1997 to 2003 funded under the NORAD Grant, and also included contributions from NORAD in 1995 to UXO LAO and prior to NPA involvement in the sector.