The Nordic Emergency Medical Services Project on data collection and benchmarking 2014 - 2018
The Nordic countries are among the top-ranking health care services and have a long tradition of collecting data, documenting and publishing their outcomes for the patients. However, we've learned that for the Nordic countries' Emergency Medical Services (EMS) this is not the case. Below you'll find a summary of findings of the project and identified challenges ahead. Lessons learned: • There is a need for Nordic standardizing of EMS data, classification of terminology and the out of hospital patient pathway, to be able to compare and exchange experiences internationally and among the Nordic countries. • To collect nationwide reliable and valid patient related data in the field of EMS is challenging in all the Nordic countries. • There is a lack of common classification systems to describe "reason for care" for patients treated by EMS. • The criteria for urgency and priority in the emergency medical dispatch centers (EMD) varies between the Nordic countries.
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