United Bible Societies’ HIV Service evaluation Evaluation scope 2009-2012
Bible Societies in Africa decided in 2002 to take up Information, Education and Communication (I.E.C.) initiatives related to HIV and AIDS as part of their mission. This initiative required a new strategy and a new structure. The existing UBS Service Organisation was strengthened with additional resources and competence, and the HIV Service was established as a unit for coordination and development of the Bible Societies HIV Program and to provide capacity building in the national HIV programs. The first Good Samaritan Programs (GSPs) were launched in Uganda and Cameroon in 2004. Since then the GSP has experienced rapid growth and today GSPs have and are being implemented at various levels in 24 sub-Saharan countries. The objectives of the evaluation activities was to evaluate: Strategic planning, development of support programs, goals and achievements of the HIV Service over the past three years; HIV Service achievements against previously agreed objectives with international donors; Effectiveness of the HIV Service in supporting Bible Societies’ HIV programs; How regionalization of team members impacted the effectiveness of the HIV Service; Identify the programs or services that require further development to increase effectiveness.