External Evaluation of the Scientific Basis of the Assessment System for Ecological Condition in Norway
This report is an external evaluation of the scientific basis of the Norwegian assessment system for ecological condition (Fagsystem for økologisk tilstand), commissioned by the Ministry of Climate and Environment (KLD). Two assessment methods are currently used for various terrestrial and marine ecosystems: the Panel-Based Assessment of Ecological Condition (PAEC) and the Index-Based Ecological Condition Assessment (IBECA). The purpose of the evaluation is to scrutinise and compare the respective scientific strengths and weaknesses of the two assessment methods, as well as the assessments carried out since 2017, and to evaluate the suitability of the two assessment methods for evidence-based policymaking. The evaluation should cover possible improvements and adjustments to the assessment system regarding methods and scientific design, including opportunities and dilemmas, and “as far as the available information permits” discuss the role of the two assessment methods as basis for decisions in policy and public administration including any limitations of this knowledge base.
Klima- og miljødepartementet
Norges forskningsråd