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Forsiden av dokumentet Roadmap for Sustainable, Low-Emission and Climate-Adapted Health and Care Services


Roadmap for Sustainable, Low-Emission and Climate-Adapted Health and Care Services

Several of the key elements of the government’s health and care policy describe how climate change affects the population’s general state of health. This applies to the Folkehelsemeldingen (Public Health Report), Helseberedskapsmeldingen (A Resilient Health Emergency Preparedness), Eldrereformen (Reform of Elderly Care) and Nasjonal helse- og samhandlingsplan (National Health and Coordination Plan). WHO has pointed to climate change as the greatest health threat of this century. This document is one of three deliveries to fulfil Norway’s obligations under the COP26 Health Programme. Since COP26, Norway has signed several international initiatives on climate and health, such as the Budapest Declaration on Climate Change, Pollution and Biological Diversity Loss (2023) and the Declaration on Climate and Health at the COP28 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai in 2023. The specialist health service is committed under the White Paper on Ownership Policy (Report to the Storting on state ownership) and has adopted its own climate goals. The municipalities’ climate adaptation activities are rooted in, among other things, the government planning guidelines for climate and energy planning and climate adaptation. The national e-health strategy points to how digital services can help meet climate targets, but also to a need for sustainable digital behaviour.


