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Forsiden av dokumentet Use of AM metal parts on the NCS - A risk perspective


Use of AM metal parts on the NCS - A risk perspective

Additive manufacturing (AM) will just like any other manufacturing method, generate specific material properties. The AM methods are characterised by thermal cycles and high cooling rates that greatly impact the as-built microstructure and surface, often requiring subsequent heat treatment and machining. Incorporating production methods that have a limited track record among end-users, procurement, certifying bodies and manufacturers, requires understanding of the process to ensure adequate properties. This report encompasses a literature review on the metallurgy behind metals produced by AM and a questionnaire that assesses viewpoints among some major operators on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). The literature review provides a basis for a subsequent discussion on the risks of employing AM material offshore. This discussion details current efforts within standardization and problems that may arise when supply-chains are to be established.



