Evaluation of fish trap and guiding fence efficiency in the River Tana in 2023
Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) is an anadromous species which spawns in rivers and whose fry migrate to sea shortly after emergence from the gravel. It is native to the Pacific Ocean but was repeatedly translocated to the White Sea during the latter half of the 20 th century. Pink salmon has a strict 2-year life cycle, and odd-year populations have in recent years become invasive in the Eastern Atlantic. In the River Tana/Teno, a large Norwegian-Finnish watercourse and one of the world’s most important rivers for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), the spawning run was estimated at more than 50 000 pink salmon in 2021.The Norwegian Environmental Agency therefore decided to install a large trap-fence system in the river in 2023 to remove as much pink salmon as possible whilst letting native salmonids through.