Improving Democratization and Human Rights in Iraq 2016 – 2019 Midterm Evaluation Report
Carfax Projects was contracted to conduct a mid-term review of the partnership and mobilization project that commenced in 2016 and is due to end in 2019. The project funded by NORAD, is being implemented by Norwegian people’s aid (NPA) in seventeen countries. In Iraq, the project is implemented throughout the country by six local partners: Public Aid Organization (PAO), Iraqi Al Amal Association (IAA), Reform Institute for Development (RID), Joint Network for Prisoners (JNP), Alliance for Iraqi Minorities (AIM) and Peace and Freedom Organization (PFO). The goal is to strengthen the democratisation process in Iraq. The overall purpose of this mid-term evaluation is to assess to what extent NPA is on its way in terms of achieving the defined outcomes or whether adjustments are needed.