ITS standardisering Oversikt og statusrapport 2019
This report summarizes the ITS standardisation work in ISO, CEN and ETSI. Each working group of the respective Standards Developing Organisations (SDOs) are shortly covered. Since the standards are under continuous updating, it is important to note that the report gives the standardisation status of today. For deeper understanding, and to follow the work progress, please follow the web-links to working groups and documents of interest. The aim of the report is to broaden the knowledge of what is going on within ITS standardisation and thereby inspire to follow and take part in ITS developments. Since several SDOs are working with ITS it is difficult to get a good overview if one is not taking direct part in the standardisation work. The aim of the report is to present a structured and readable report of the standardisation developments, highlighting the similarities and some discrepancies between standards from different SDOs covering the same issues.