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Forsiden av dokumentet Implementing Norway’s National Action Plan 2019-2022 Women, peace and security


Implementing Norway’s National Action Plan 2019-2022 Women, peace and security

This report gives a picture of Norway’s efforts to improve on women, peace and security and is the second yearly report that is being finalised in the midst of an ongoing pandemic. A pandemic that has had a major impact on the work with women, peace and security, just as it has across the board on the broader foreign policy and development agenda. The pandemic has a profound impact on women advocating for human rights and peace around the world. Governments around the world have effectively limited the possibility for people to move, to gather and to communicate. Hence, the pandemic interrupted or halted a number of peacemaking efforts and peace processes. Overall, there are both positive and negative trends on the global situation on women, peace and security.



Utenriksdepartementet, Forsvarsdepartementet, Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet og Kultur- og likestillingsdepartementet



