Mid-term review of the Save the Children in Ethiopia’s strategic partnership with Norwegian Embassy on combating Female Genital Mutilation
In December 2006 the Norwegian Embassy in Ethiopia signed a four-year contract of NOK 44,4 mill. with Save the Children Norway-Ethiopia (SCN-E) in order to coordinate a „Strategic Partnership‟ on FGM in Ethiopia. At its initial stage the Partnership was constituted of three partners in addition to SCN-E, but later two more partners were included. The main interventions undertaken within the Partnership are community based approaches, media communication and documentation. The overall purpose of the Mid-term Review (MTR) was to assess to what extent the projects within the Partnership were proceeding according to plans and desired outcomes. It focused particularly on aspects related to strategies, coordination, capacity building and advocacy. The Review team met with the partners and with other organisations related to the Partnership. It also made a three-day field trip to Awash, Afar.