Evaluation of the Cooperative Relations between Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and its partners in Guatemala and Nicaragua
This corresponds to the consultancy report "Evaluation of Cooperative Relations between Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) and its partners in Guatemala and Nicaragua" in the context of the discussion of the Global Strategy 2011-2015, to respond to the review of these relations during the Regional Strategic Plan arising from the previous strategic assessment cycle. The conceptual framework of NCA includes four elements under analysis: Human Rights Based Approach HRBA. NCA’s comprehensive approach (composed of: Emergency Preparedness and Response; Assistance for long-term development, and advocacy). Types of Partners, divided into Major, Resources and Strategic Partnerships. Finally Chain of Change (structured in five stages). The consultancy mission covered four counterparts, two in Guatemala CIEDEG and PV and two in Nicaragua CIEETS and AMC. One in each country addressing the theme of HIV/AIDS and the two remaining addressing agricultural production with different approaches, one as organic farming and other agro-ecology, but differing in their intervention models and geographic coverage.