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Forsiden av dokumentet Food Crisis Emergency and Recovery Project Joint Evaluation by ACT Members


Food Crisis Emergency and Recovery Project Joint Evaluation by ACT Members

NCA & ACT partners implemented the “Food Crisis and Recovery Response” project. This was in immediate support of the population at risk of Food insecurity. The project sought to contribute towards improving and enhancing nutrition and skills to households direct beneficiaries based on the 6 people per household) farming households through offering a variety of livelihood options to those affected by the dry spell and floods to enable them attain self reliance and independence. This final evaluation report focused on those activities that were implemented between April, 2011 and October, 2011 by the partners: Synod of Livingstonia Development Department (SOLDEV) in Rumphi, Evangelical Lutheran Development Service (ELDS) in Chikwawa and Phalombe, Blantyre Synod Health Development Commission (BSHDC) in Balaka  and the Churches’ Action in Relief and Development (CARD) implemented activities in Nsanje and Thyolo, whereas CHAM implemented Nutrition and Supplementary feeding activities in its Nutritional Rehabilitation Units in the same districts where other members  implemented their programmes. The purpose of this evaluation was to assess how relevant the project was to the communities and the beneficiaries in general, whether it was effective in addressing the original problems, and how efficient the partners and stakeholders were in the exercise.  It was also to point out demonstrable indicators leading to sustainability and achieving the desired impact, from whose lessons recommendations could be made.





