Evaluation of Support to Decentralized development in Kidal region of Mali, PADDEC, December 2007
This document is the report of the external evaluation of the project "Support to decentralized development in Kidal region, Mali" - PADDECK. The evaluation took place at Norwegian Church Aid's (NCA) regional representation's request. NCA elaborated the terms of reference.The scope of the review is the nine years of the project intervention: Phase I (1999-2002) and Phase II (2003-2007) - since no external evaluation was carried out at the end of Phase I.The external evaluation (EE) was requested to assess the institutional mechanism of NCA in Kidal, with three structures: PADDECK, ASSADDEC (Sahelian association for decentralized development) and CCC (Advising centre for communes). The evaluations main purposes were shared learning from both project periods, and future planning in the light of the findings.