Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Situation in Six Regions of Ethiopia Baseline/Endline Survey
This evaluation was commissioned by NCA and Save the Children International to assess the baseline/end line situations of female genital mutilation (FGM), among the target communities in 22 districts of Oromia, SNNPR Afar, Harari and Somali Regions. The survey covered 3,129 households. The key areas of focus of the survey include knowledge, Attitude and Practice ( KAP); engagement and effectiveness of customary/statutory law; and, effectiveness of integration of anti FGM messages in religious institution works. The survey confirmed difference between intervention and expansion areas. In Afar and Somali regions, 92% and 96% of the population in intervention Woredas have Knowledge of FGM (Information plus forms of FGM), compared to 86% and 45% in expansion Woredas, respectively. In Oromia and SNNPR regions, 97% and 90% of the population in intervention Woredas have Knowledge of FGM, compared to 94% and 80% in expansion Woredas, respectively. In Amhara and Harari regions, 88% and 81% of the population in intervention Woredas have Knowledge of FGM.