Nordic Mass Burn Casualty Incident Response Plan January 2019
This document describes the outline and practical details of a joint Nordic mass burn casualty incident (MBCI) and its response mechanism. This plan is the result of a conjoined effort by the national burn centers in Bergen, Norway; Linköping and Uppsala, Sweden; Helsinki, Finland; Copenhagen, Denmark, and the health authorities in the Nordic countries. The response mechanism is based on existing national response mechanisms and ones being developed in the participating countries, and the on-going work to establish a European MBCI response mechanism. The main outline is based on the suggested medical standards from the European Burns Association (EBA) in this regard. Therefore, this plan is focused on an MBCI situation where the affected country is overwhelmed, but where the situation is still manageable within our Nordic regional capacity. Our countries have a long history of mutual help and development in burn care, and a regional MBCI plan is a natural extension of this. Our countries have experiences with the same challenges of scattered settlements and long distances and seem well prepared for joint responses in these circumstances. The outline of this plan is made to be in line with national response mechanisms in our countries and with the European mechanism under way, thus being a natural step in this response ladder.
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